
ClassX for Developers

What's here

The ClassX software consists of the following modules:

  • A transcoding module that converts camera-captured videos into a format that facilitates video streaming with interactive selection of region-of-interests (RoI).

  • A server module that implements the protocol for streaming video with interactive selection of region-of-interests.

  • A client player that implements the protocol for streaming video with interactive selection of region-of-interests. In addition, the client player also implements a user interface for pan/tilt/zoom control and spatial random access.

  • A RoI automatic selection module that produces recommended views mimicking human camera operation.

  • A slide synchronization module that performs automatic matching between lecture videos and electronic slides.

  • A mobile client module that supports interactive region-of-interest video streaming and playback on mobile devices. Users can pan/tilt/zoom on a video using natural hand gesture. The current version only supports Apple iOS.

Important information

All files available on this site are licensed under the GNU General Public License.

Getting and compiling the code

SVN checkout command for downloading the code for all modules:

svn co classx

SVN checkout command for downloading the code for the ClassX web system:

svn co ClassXWebSystem

SVN checkout command for downloading the code for the transcoder:

svn co classXEncoder

SVN checkout command for downloading the code for the slide synchronizer:

svn co slideRecognition

SVN checkout command for downloading the code for the mobile client:

svn co ClassXMobile

Compiling instructions can be found in the user guides.

Web-based browsing of the code is available here.

Visit here or contact us if you are ready to contribute your effort.


[Last updated Feb 13, 2012]